"The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Dreamer....

It's been a while since I felt a good tremor...but not more than 10 minutes ago, we got a 4.1 Richter Scale jolt.

This post doesn't relate to the quake report...then again, it might.

One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Joseph...lately, I've been thinking on the fact that he was the Dreamer. Not only did God give him the dreams, but He also made them come true. The significance of his dreams went beyond his personal sphere - a universal plan that has consequences to this day.

I wonder what he thought about his dreams when he was in the dungeon? One day he was a dungeon slave, the next day, he was the second most powerful man in the world. I believe God would have made him the most powerful man, except Joseph's kingdom like Christ's kingdom was not of this world.

It is a comfort to know that the One who puts the aspiration in our hearts will be the One to fulfill them.

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