"The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Friday, April 27, 2007


Our house gets between 1-4 potential buyers coming through each week.
In the middle of the morning our realtor came by with a woman who had looked at the house on Sunday and wanted to see it again. We didn't hear anything back all day about an offer and as of today we haven't heard anything. We were kind of expecting one since the last two offers came from people who came back for a second look.
Early in the evening I was talking to our neighbor who happens be selling her house. Her and her husband are expecting a baby and would like a larger house. They put their house on the market in early April.
Well, an offer came in yesterday.......FOR THEIR HOUSE!! They got a pretty good offer from someone who had looked at both our house and theirs the day before.
We are genuinely happy for them! It will be great for them to find a house that will be suitable for their growing family.
Their asking price is at $379,000 (only $8000) below our price.
We are quite puzzled...they haven't put in half as much in the way of improvements as we have, they don't have a garage, they have a steep driveway as well but they also have a fireplace, a flat grassy area in their backyard and a larger deck.
As Ray says, "The only explanation is GOD'S WILL"

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